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Chicken Run French 1080p Torrent: The Best Way to Enjoy the Hilarious Adventure


I , j THE SUN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1892. 9STUYYESANT CLUB OUTING.& . XVJC AHXVAL CLJUBAKR HELD ATW T COLLEGE TOISX YESTERDAY. .r" Tweln Hoaared BtmomiU la IThlta IIatawllh e Cl.T.laad manner and Ooo4 A p.i patllta Hakt Tklnca Marry All lJy.t Earlr yetordar motnlna 1.200 mon oaringI tall white haU, and lod by Cuppa's band.paraded through the etroots of the Twolnr-,; sixth Assembly dlstrlot down to tho foot of: 128th streot, where tlioT boardod the stonm' boat Myndert Btnrln. bound Tor Donnelly'sJ Grovo In College Point The occasion was thet annual olambafce ot the Btuyveiant Democra-l tlo Club. The prooeselon wan dlvldod Into twoi ' divisions, with Atdorman Samuol II. Balloy asf Grand Marshal and William Arnold assistantI Mlohaol It O'Connor was marshal of the boo-I ond division, with Charlos Lamlort as aideI A Cleveland ond Btevenson bannor wascarried at tho head of tho procession, wherof the ofllcers of tho club marched elffht abreastI Amone them woro William II. Burko, 1'rosl-j dent'and tho now loadur of the district: SenatorJacob A. Cantor. Chairman of tho Board of, Managers: Dr. J. B. Donovan. First Vlce-Prosl-l dent: B. Donovan, Corresponding Bocretary:f Joseph E. Mass. Ilocordlng becretary. andFrank MoMullIn. Treamiror.I, When they arrived at tho grove thero wan aJ- seramble for the breakfast table. GamesJw' were next in order, and tho crowd ndlournodI J to tho field, .lolm MrDonnn won tho 2U-Vi , yard run. and John McClrath was tho victor InV the 100-yard dash. Tho standing jump wascaptured by I'orcy Levy, and Dennis Mctlrnthi outstripped all his competitors in the runningPR broad jump. MnGrath also won tho shootingmatch. Tho mile walk was won by James JIo-Muskey. tho potato race by Gustavo Bchwab,throwing tho hammor by Nicholas J. Hayes.. and putting tho shot by tlllam Harms.Tho fat man's raco waB limited to contestants over 2!0 pounds. It was won byJames Foy. 200 pounds. The othor oontestants wore strung out along the course according to their weights. In n gamo of ball ateam composed of Park polloomon bested ateam of the Metropolitan Pollco by a score otlOtoH.At the dinner table aold-headod cane waspresented to Mr. Burko by Bonntor Cantoron behalf of tho club and Mr. Burke's manyfriends.The vicinity of the club's headquarters InLexlncton avenue was lined with fireworks onthe return of tho procession last night Threek hundred colored lanterns added to the plo-turesnuenessof tho scene, and Ilomnn candles.rockets, llrecraokers. and colored lights wereI set oil in all directions. Thore were also sev-Jf eral largo pieces of fireworks.aoaisst xns, vas slootex.Ta BcrVrea Decides that Harry Polo. Oalj Lent Iter Tlla Diamond.The referee appointed some time ago byJustice Cullen of the Supreme Court Brooklyn, to take testimony In tho suit of Mary L.Van Blooten against Charlos II. Wheoler, asexecutor ot the estate ot the late Harry E.Dodge, filed his report yesterday, and it wasgainst the plaintiff. The action was brought'; by Mrs. Van Slooten to recover tho possessionV of a diamond ring which she alleged'liad beengiven to hor by Mr. Dodge before his doath Inin 1880. and which the exooutor had obtainedpossession ot without her consent The ref-J eree In his finding says that tho ring was onlyloaned to Mrs. Van blooton.Mrs. Van Blooten nlso had a suit before thesame raforoe. alleging that the estate was lnM debted to her in tho sum ot $20,000. due to areal estate tranractlon. and a check was givento her at the time for that amount Theplaintiff still rotalns tho chock, but tho refereehas decided that there is no proof that Mr.Dodge, on whom It was drawn, had not paid itbefore his death.Under the will, which was probated in July,1880. Mrs. Van Blooten. with whom Mr. Dodgeboarded, received a legacy ot $30,000. whichhas been paid In full.ACCUSES TUEM OF BLACKMAIL.Kis. Coleman Raja Ili-lcara aad BewKt Declared Tbey Were Oerry Aetata., Capt Doherty arrested, three weeks ago.jLfzzIp Coleman for keeping an alleged disorderly house at 28 Second avenue. Her child.girl 10 years old, was in the apartments ntthe time the place was raided. Justice Hoganr ent the child to the Cathollo Troteotory. Mrs.Coleman was sentenced to imprisonment lorten days. Sho says that yesterday afternoontwo men called on her. They said they weregents of tho Gerry society, and could obtainthe release of her child if she paid them $300.She replied that she couldn't pay anything,and the men then threatened to arrest her.Bhe says she had a suspieiun that the menwere not agents for the Gerry society. Bhefollowed them into the street called a pollcornan. and had them arrested. In Essex Mari ket yesterday they said they were John Briggsof 002 Amsterdam avenue and William HewittI of 2,083 Arthur avenue. Briges is a conductorf , and Hewitt a driver. They deny the woman'sstory. They say she was on their car rocontly,and started a flirtation with them. By invitation they called at her house, and she causedtheir arrestWno BOBBED QRAUAM.lie Xrfiaee Dtamonda aad Casta, bat ThexJLra Not Found on tbe Um Arrested.William Adler. a tailor, of 74 East 125th(street at 3 o'clock yesterday morning on his, Way home saw a man bending over anotherwho lay In a drunken sleep on a doorstep.Adler hurrlod away and told PolicemanO'Loary of the East 120th street station, whoarrested the man. He said ho wns WilliamKeeland. 20 yoars old. of 271 East 117th streetPoliceman O'Leary aroused the sleeper, whocave his name as Stowsrt It Graham of 174East Beventy-nlnth street Ho missed hiswatch and chain and his diamond stud. In alli, Vftluod at $400. and $27 In cash. Nothing butH letter and a ponknlto, which Graham tuentl-,'J lied as his. were found on the prisoner, and he)f declared he had found them on the sidewalk.f Graham said he had been drinking withI friends whom he felt sure would not rob him.n although he only had a dim recollection ofI whom they were. Keoland was held for ex-l amlnatlon.AEKOSAVTB IS I'EHIUThe Adventure ofThree Frenchmen OflTtheCoaat of France.Fiom (As Lontiun Staiulard.I Pahis. July 18. M. Besangon. one of thethree aeronauts rescued from the car of theballoon J upltor. has clven an account of hisperilous ndvunturo. Tho balloon was carriedouttosealmmedlatoly It loft tho grounds oftho Havre Casino. M. ilisani;on atoncoopenodtho escnno valvo and attached tho cone anchorto a cord eighty metres long. Tho fctorm wasso violent that it broke the cord, and from thatmoment the aoronauts lost all command overthe balloon. At about 10 o'clook tho car wus3 being drasicod through tho win os. The aero-S cauts heard distinctly tho voices of fishermenw in their boats which Irom tlmo to timo passed' nearthem: but the night was so durb thatnone ot thorn perceived the balloon.none ot thorn perceived the balloon.At last after regarding thomsah os as Irretrievably lot, the bulloou at about .'I o'clock' uddenly ro?o to an altitude of over 2.000metres. The hopes of tho aeronauts thou revived : but by 6 o'clock In the morning the carwos pneo more being dragged along In the sea.0 All tho ballust had boon thrown out and theAeronauts had alKotakon off their coats and; thrown them away to lighten the cur. All, . . three of tho uoronauts were worn out with fa-' tigue and benumbed with cold. M. Demeyorbad thus lost the powor of speech. They wereII thoroughly discouraged, when they perceived the mast of a ship in tho distanceTholr signals of distress woro seon. and thehip bore down upon thorn. A boat waspufmtnil the aeronauts woro pulled into It. Theballoon then shot Into the air with such rapidity that it was soon out of sight The ueronauts, who woro taken on board the ship Uertnania, were treated with groat klndne, andwore at noon transferred to tho French sloopHeine des Anges, which put them ashore atUamsret, near Brost.M. Demeyor. who Is n young man of 20. hasrelated to a journalist with what difficulty ho, threw the bags of ballast out ot the car whileI It was being draggod through the waxes, andwith what iileasuro he. saw tho balloon risol V when he had thrown the last bag overboard. It1 w" .,ter tnu balloon had risen and was de-r ycendlng again that the aeronauts tooit off7 tholr cpts and threw them away, with thehope of avoiding a, second Immersion lu thesea. Fortunately, all the three aeronauts arenow In good health and spirits.Flard for bt(Iti Jamaica Slagcr.' n th Potion Utrald,Arrucnono, July 25. Tho grocers hero aroi In n pretty imxIouh slutti oor the $100 lineimposed on A. II, Angell last week for sellingJuniuli-a ginger fjiiunl to cnniitln 47.K1) uercent, of alcohol. 1 ho town iifllclals state thatthey Intend currying m the. crusade, mid astheyhuvo purclmieci a Imtllo or more nl thoarticle at each tir,Uheie it it scuru amongthe proprietors. All grocors luo lioop. forbid-S den to sell Jamaica ginger until further notice.and the druggists have been notified to makef.rToatoUutrot that article sign the pre-erlijUon book ihe same as is required whenft alwhcl or whiskey U sold. -WAQOlf BACK ON SIXTH ATEXVE.U Xtaalts la th Arrast er rhllaathrealatCeehraae.A citizen told Boundsman John Townsendot the West Thirty-seventh stroet station InWest Thirty-fourth Btroot yestorday morningthat ho had just scon a roughly dressed manrob a fashionablyattlred man at Thirty-fourthstreet and Eighth avonue. Tho victim, according fo tho clttzou. was drunk whonlhethief approached him. and, aftor backing htmagainst a fence, went through his pocketsTho citizen saw the thief take tho drunkonman up to a cab and try to put him in it. Thodrtvor of tho cab rofused to take the fare, however, and the thiol hailed a passing oxprossman, and. aftor talking with him a momontput tho drunken man in tho wagon, nnd.mount Ing tho sent with tho driver, drove away.All this happjnod not two mlnutos boforotho roundsman hoard of It. Tho expresswagon was still in sight but going at a goodpace. The roundsman started aftor tho wagon,llowasnlmostup with itwhon tho drlvor began to whip up his horses. A nows wagonwas passing and the roundsman hulled it. andaftor explaining matters wont rattling afterthe express wagon. It was n hot chase. Thenewsman's horse, somowhat of a spoedor, andhaving n lighter load, soon had tho roundsman abroad of tho digitizes.Tho express driver, seeing furthor flightuseless, iiulloil up. ltotindsmim Townsendarrested tho driver and his companion, unci,with the drunken man, who lay quietly In thebottom of tho wagon. droo to tho Thirtysoventh stient station. Tho prisoners haulthey wero Thomas Cochrane of 442 WostThlrty-sooond street and Charles Felaney of4U4 tlgth avenue. The citizen, who had goneto the station house. Identified Cochrane asthe man hn saw rilling tho drunken man'sIiockets. Tho drunken man said ho wastobert Stewart, a lawyer of Edinburgh, Scotland, here on a vacation. He has been stoppingin thn Sherwood House. at Thtity-fourth streetand Third avenue.Cochrane and Fotnney were taken to thoJefferson Market Police Court, and tho lawyerwas locked up In tho station hnus-o, whero hewill remain until to-day. Cochrane told Justice Grady that Stewart Mopped him on thestreet and asked to bo taken ti the SherwoodHouse. Btowart could't walk, so Cochranetried to put him in a cab. The cabmanwouldn't take Stewart unless he was paid firstCochrane said he had no money, and lie madeup his mind that if the lawyor wanted to rideto the hotel he would have to pay his own way.Ooohrune searched the lawyer s pockots andfound $4. Ho guvo $2 to the drlvor of the express wagon and put the other $2 hack In thelawyer's pocket He said he had no Intentionof robbing Stewart Felaney morely bald thatCochrane gave him $2 to drive the strangeracross town. Both men were remanded untilto-day. whon Stewart will be able to appearagainst them.riiOFiT is aoosis farms.All that la Needeil la nnd a, LittleKnowledge or the llunlnesa.Tram the Utlena Idiptnlen1.What will the men who run chicken ranchesIn Montana think of a new scheme to makemoney out of the leathered tiibo whon thoyread this? The figures show that the hen industry is "not in It." One thousand geese, according to the law of progeny in tho iroosofamily, will eacli rear six goslings a year. Atthe end of the first year the gooso farmer willfind himself the lucky owner of 7.UO0 geese;the second year the number will be incroased to42,000 in tho same ratio. At the end of the thirdyear ho will havo 252.000 geeso: at the end otthe fourth yoar his Hock will hao Increasedtol.DI2.000: at the end of the tilth year thelucky man will bo tho owner In fee Mmplo ofO.O72.0OO: on New Year's Day of the sixth yearthere wilt bo 54.432.000 goeso strutting boldlyaround tho premises. And at tlie close of thodocado be will find himself in possession of asufficient number of geese to savo Homo overand over again. Then geee can be pickedtwice a yoar. A pound ol "down" Beilsfor$land a pound of coarse fcathors nt 05 cents.Each gooso is warranted to yield a half poundof each annually, netting thoroby to its ownerin round figures the sum of $1. It would takebut a short tlmo to reach the wealth of Crcenuswith a prosperous gooso ranch at one's back.Goose farming Is now tho popular fad inWashington. Mon are awakonlng from theirslumbers to realize that herding geese may bemore profitable than selling liquor to Indiansin some back county, staking out miningclaims, or raising No. 1 wheat The only wonder is that men have been so long discoveringthe untold wealth of "down" nnd goslings.This, tho latest of Washington's Industries,bids fair to eclipso all efforts heretofore triedof amassing a fortune In a few years from aquarter section of land.Among the first to take advantage of the'new discovory was honest Ebenezer Parker ofthat soction. Ebone7er had listened to thoarguments of lawyors and the decisions otcourts all spring, for ho has been a worthyJuryman in tho Superior Court panel, but atlast ho has left the Jury box behind and hasbetakon himself to the green fields of northern Oregon to equip and maintain a goosoranch, preparatory to establishing anotheron his Washington ranch. According totho story of the expert whoso mellowtalk caught l'armor Parker, thute's barrelsot money in koeplng a goose ranch. Before a man makes tho venture, however.a capital of $1,000 Is necessary. This beingsecured, tho intending goose (armor goes toEonsaB or some other btato whero goslingsare plentiful and makes his purchaso of, say,1.000 geose. For these he pays $400. To savethe transportation ot this number of fowls toWashington, his next move would be to aharness maker to havo the geose shod. Theshoeing of geese Is accomplished by placingminiature coverings of thin leathorover thoweb feet of the fowl: then the geese aro propared to stand the journey on foot. Tho snoa-ing oi a.uuu geoso wiu cost siuu. accordingto tho expert. This would ho an outlay of$500 in all. Oncoon tho ranch the feeding ofthis small array would he but a bngatolle. forgeese are avaricious and lhoon green herbsof every description.Barney Qulnn. court bailiff, has demonstrated theso theories to be facts by practlcnlexporlonce, and had It not been for clrcu instances ovor which ho had no control. Mr.(Julnn would to-day be owner of myriads ofthese feathered treasures, hut. as It was, theymet withannccldontand dlad. which Barneyrelates as follows:" Several yoars ago I vonturod into thegoose-raising business In Colorado. I purchased 1,000 geess in Kansas, had them shodana drove thorn all thu way to northern Colorado. I was happy with my lot until thocold weathor Hot In and one by one my gooselets faded. I hud lost ul.out fifty ot themwhen n frjond suggested that I blanketthem. This I did. Each gooco hail nlittle coverlet made for it which 1 oncaseilIt in. just as you seo ncodlo dogs nowadays. I'll never forget Mat a beautiful sight it was to gaze from J cabin windowon a moonlight night and look upon my -a ofgooselets with their little red coverings. Itwas a grand sight, sir. but tho cold weatherwas too much for them, and I lost nearly :tilu.Then I made up my mind to go to .Vow Mexicowith my flock, where it was warmer. I hadtheir shoes nut on, and off 1 started. Throughthn entire length of the Stato of Coloindoltrudged., my frntheicd trlbn and I. It was ntedious journey, but thu sight of my iierdnerved me. mid f drcamo 1 ot golden successwhen I reached Now .Melco. '1 hen 1 ciimo totho Hip Grande Illver. in plunged my ilock ofgeoso Into the stipam to ninkn for tho oppositebunk. but. alus! helore I leallzod It thoy wereall niowneil, with tho excoption of live, whlohI saved. I had forgotten to take off theirshoes, and they couldn't swim."Assaulted by it 17-jenr.old Boy,Dennis FInhorty, 17 years old, living In thedoublo tenement 1.84H Second uenue. washeld yesterday In $1,000 bull for trial in theHarlem Court on the charge of criminally assaulting ten-year-old Jennie Hannah, whoIlvos In tho same house. Flaherty, tho girlsays, met her In the hall on Wednesday evening nnd inducod hor to go down to the collar.When thoy reached the cellar Flaherty throwher down and assaulted her. Jennlu was badly Injured and was committed to the Gerry society, hor parents being too poor to cure for her.Mr. Ke.ter Muat Appenr In Court.Hubert Windsor, who on Wodnesdny nightsnatched n pockot book from .Mrs. TheresaKesterof 500 West Foily-alxth street ns eliawas about to get on it 1'ointli nvenuu car. wasbrought yesterday to tho Essex .Market Courtand remanded. Jlri,. Hester on Wednesdaynight wouldn't makes charge ngulntt Windsor'"cause the puise contuinod only 30 cents.Sho didn't appear in court yesterday, nnd Justice Hogan Issued a summons for her.The Pnn'a Guttle (a Ncn Tort,Hrpllts to jiimHoiii aalfi nrru ihu lv ttiifue$ts and citizens of the American metropolis.Suggestions to sightseers and practical informlion or practical people. The Sun willpublish, inUmeforuseatths ColumJms Celebration next Oottber, compute, uniqve, and practical guidebookto this city. It wilt tell visitors what the sighUare, how to reach them, vhere to lodge and boardwhile here and the cost, where to do icholesaleor retail rhopping, how to amuse themselves, andget rest when weary of tlghtsrrina. H will be attrailirelvfrmtid, pleasant to n ml, mid thesub.jert matter wilt be dirUtnl and ai ranged in a irauto insure the brst results. The ritail price will beis cents per copy. The isun's tlmde will also offerunegualled and exceptional opportunities to advertisers. Thosi teU wish further information onthis subject should address Tht Quids MotJt J)hMrtowni th jftw Tsrk Sim.E EveryJp& Smoker's Nose CddT knows when It Is pleased. It Is always CyvYJ pleased with tho fragrant and peculiar rVV BlackwelFs JXy Bull Durham QxJ2s Smoking Tobacco 'aiPP Which has been for more than a quarter1 of a century the desire and delight of y ,tcomfort lovers everywhere. It strikes7T N the taste of many fastidious smokers. ewsfSV"J Blackwell'a Durham Tobacco Co., jVjr DURHAM, N. C. k CBtsa Bisa's nia camv 3mEii.a.ReKnIar Services Ilelu To-day-tO Teatsfbr the Campers.Bino BiNti, Aug. 4. The sixty-first annualsession of the New York and Hudson IllverCamp Mooting Association oponed to-day atSing Sing Heights, on the old historic groundof the association. The meeting will last tendays. This yoar It Is under the supervision ofthe Bov. C. E. Miller. D. P.. assisted by theltev. A. C Morohouse. the Kev. Thomas Harrison, and the trustees of the association. Begular services will begin to-morrow.Thero were fifty-four families in tho campto-day. Thoy are comfortably located in tontsand cottages, which are furnished with allconvenience for camp. life. There aro 200tents and oottsgeson the camp grounds, andbyRaturdoy all of them will be occupied. Alarge dining tent Is located In the shude, wherethe campers will be ted.Thcaplnaa la the Bostoa Court.Boston, Aug. 4. Three theatrical lawsuitswore Instituted here yesterday. Edward M.Favor has suod Paulino Hall's manager. GeorgeB. McLollun. for an entire season's wages.Favor was engaged for Miss Hall's now opera." rurltanla." but waB rotlrod on two weeks'notice. He had no written contract with thesinger or hor manager, but his lawyer makosthepolntthatn'Nerbnl contrnot in theatricalsImplies a full season's engagement, and hewill try to estnblish the preoedent here.Charles Charters, an nctor. has suod A. M. DeI.lsser, manager ot "Tho Westerner," forwages dun last seaBon. H. Percy Meldon hassued Or. Gnorgo Edgar Lothrop. manager otthe Grand Museum, for breach of contract anda season's salary. Meldon was stage manager for Eothrop, whom ho now accuses ofpirating popular plays and presenting themin disguise. Lothrop's friends declare thatMeldon was aware of tho plagiarism at thotlmo. but that he failed to make complaint until after his discharge by Lothrop.Couldn't Get a Drink Cam Bask with a.Knife.John Kirk, a plumber, living at 254 WestNineteenth streot, enterod tho saloon ot JamosBoden. at 231 West NInotoenth stroot, at 10o'clock Wednesday night, walked up to thebar, and. in a loud voice, demandod a drink.Mr. Soden was behind the bar. As Kirk wasdrunk ho refusod to serve him. Kirk mnde afuss and was put out. About halt an hourlater he returned with a big carving knifo.He madoo lungont Mr. Soden. who threw udhis arm. Tho knife made a severe gash Inhis wrist Policeman Corwille was summonedbefore tho man could do anymore harm. AtJelTarsnn Market yesterday morning JusticeGrady held Kirk in $1,000 ball for trial.Far a Fair BIllon of the Watere ef thaJBIo Graade.El Paso, Aug. 4. The acting Governor ofChihuahua and the Governor elect of thatBtate have arrived hero for the purpose ofholding a conference with the officers of thoUnited States with regard to a division of thewaters ot the Bio Grande Blvor for irrigationpurposes. This question is of espocial Intorostto the people on the borders of Toxas andMexico. The scarcity of water in the riverand the catching of the overflow by means ofdams by the Moxlcans has caused much damage to the crops ot tho farmers on tho American side. The conference began to-day.WntttfJ maitg,one way to bavbtimi:WITHOUT AIiUITIO.IATjCOST. ..TOtJ MAY MSAlB YOURADVEKTINEUE.NTAt anAMF.BICAN DISTRICT UE8BENOEBOffice. If In our Hit or AUvertnlnff AKeoclei yoado not And one coprenlent.COPY RECEIVED UNTIL 11 P. M.SUN UPTOWN OFFICE,1,265 BROADWAY. NEAR 32D ST.HATIS AT THE FOLLOWING OFFICESWILL BK THE NAME AS THOSEC-IIAnGfD AT THE MAIN OFFICEiAll American District Maaaenser Orieea.AVB. A. 62, BET. 8D AND 4TH STS. EDWARll J. 1LTAMhKN.2D AVE. 1.C2B, NEAR 80T1I ST., LKUUANN a vi-.., i,nns. v.. o anz.811 A V., J.B3S. 1IKT. 70TII AND 77TU RTR., O. APT.:U AkE.. till lOtll'KINS MAIlKr.T, JlliT. OTII ANDTTII STR.IIIOMAH F.MAIITIN.811 AVE . 2.0M. HhT. ll-'TII AND 118TII 8TS , LAW.mi ak.. ir,. colt r-TH ST., w. n, t'oKbllAM.srll AVE.. 704. AMJKK-ON CO.4TII hT.. 42 KAxT. (I AltTI.AND.1TII ST.. 173 KAhT. V. W. xCIIII.UNO.14T1I ST.. 20 WEST. IIOOM 2. JAMES A. MrOINNIS.2BII ST.. JU2 EAST. S. W. CORNER 3D AVK, C. OTTOOlJhN,I.OTI1 ST.. B. W. COR. nnOADWAT. ALLEN ADVERT1SIMI AUKMW.ltr.TII ST., 320 WEST, VORQAS'B ADVERTISINGAll! M'Y.lILH.rKKR ST, 328. JEWELL'S ADVERTISINGAllhNCVllllUEIir, 1V. NEAR BROOME ST. A. WEIDMAN.I'ANAI. ST.. 17. JttLIL'H ULUMBKRU.IlIVIHON ST.. 1H7, JULIUS IILPMBERO.UKAN1I ST.. MO, RENT GUARANTEE 00.tOLL'MBl'S AVE, 70S. J. H. McliLYNN.HKOOK.LYN, L. UJ3 Court Ht.ATLANTIC AVE., 077, J. II. DAVIDOV.ATLANTIC AVE, 2.000, I'RATT A CO.1IEIIMIRD AVK, l,2t!0, MOORE ADVERTISING EICIIAMil:. BROADWAY. ISO, MOORE ADVERTI8INO ExCIIAM1E. BROADWAY. 200. NEAR MARCY AVE, H. H.OREENK.CIIL'RT ST, S. MOORE ADVERTISING EXCHANGE.111. KAI.U AE., WJS, MOORE ADVfcRTIbINO EXCHANGE. rul.TIIN ST, 807. BROOKLYN ADVERTISING;AliKNCV.LArAYKTTK AVE. 1.110. LAWSON A CO.MYRTLE AVE.. 1.1SU. NEAR BROADWAY. T. BOTIIE.MIRTRAND AVE. S62. L. CtlNNINOlIAM.r.TH kK, 240, HIIILIi' TEET,UIIAIIAM AVK, 408, U. DYER.I.ON1I IHLANII CITT, I, I.BORDKN AVE., & (Telepbone Call, 00 OreenpolBt).JOHN W, DAVltEN.HOnOKtN, N. ,1.WABIIINOTON ST., 101, J. LICIISTENBTEIN.WAblUNOTON H 170, OTTO L. RLITHEYER. ,NCWAUK, J. J,ACADEMY fiT, 2S, W, B, UORDON.TOWN OF LTV ION, N. .1.BERGEN LINK AVE., 22(1, JOUN BEST.PATCiiootiE, i.. i.JAMKBCAMFIELD, GERARD BUILDING.BAND HOWS. Experlenetd hind! wnldi no worklttn out. KEV8 t LOfKWOOU. Hev BroiiHrty.BOOS FOLDERS' WAnted.I. ailAUIAN. 9 Spruce it.00K rOLDHRS wanted.JONES MAWUFAOTURmO CO, 110-111 6th ST.BOOK FOLDINO Smsrt book atltcbar wanted! 1 or1 to learn: alio email boy, 7a John it.BOOK FOLDl?R8t"'jKNKINS A McCOWAN'8, 2201'entre it . corner Grand at.A GIRL wanted en pamphlet work. "' P. II.M-.hl.M'B SON, 10 j;r relay it.GOOD fiOlli" LAVEItlii bindery, 160NiiTauinj. t;iod I'll)', lakeeletulur,J.iXTHt HAlSsi.ADIEH iianted for lalurdara"oriy,AIM1), 1I1DL1.Y A SONS, i.rand, Allen, and Orrbard ita.JrUTKIUESCEI) rOLDER and atUcbironampblitU work. Apply toii. a. Louwaauar. ao ani bi jebn it., city.pzrEEIBNCUisort Uk wlBdara, 'h .W'nutrfl rftnMtff.ONE WAY TO HAVU "TIMEWITHOUT ADDITIONALWIST,I0tt MAY MIAMI VOItrtAnVEHTlHEUENTA5IRKICAN DIHTKIIT MKSSRN6EBOflice, It In our Hit of Advertising Aeeuclei roat de not nnd one convenientGIRLS. Exprrlencednnil lately landel named forprUate faralllct, botela. and aclioole: cur andcountry; suodwaiiei; atCARPENTER'S. 1 OH Oth ar.CI OLD LAYERS. Two exnrrlenrod "po'd lareriJ wanted. EDV, IN KES. 22 hnwanl itKNITTERS on lAinb marhlne. and epfrlenordoperatorion W. A G. inarhlnte. MMhult KNITUNO MILLS, B7-69 Grand It, JJrooVljrnJAWN BOWS. Experienced handi ant. d: no work-iglYfnoul. KK 6 A l-UCKWOOD. sou Broadway.OPERATORS While aud flannel" ihlrn. Tadlri?walite. collari cuffi and trlmmlnir makers: 2 and12macblnt. Whll, IIAbKELL ACQ., rail Hut 23d It.PltESSI'.RS OF LADIEh' SI'ITS wanted at VANDEliWEGEN CLEANING AND DYEING WOHUS. 1110Atlantic ar.. Brookljn.PUFF acarfmakeri: htebeit pay; permanent worklLU U IS A UhliJiAO II.HSt Broad way.SCARFS. Experienced hand, wanted, nit work eirenout; KhVB A LOCKWOOD. 8ll Broadnay.UMBRELLAS. Wanted, experienced operalori onW. AO. machine, to run utnbiellee.L.L.OANSACO.. 14 and in White it.WANTED Ladlei and younir men to take work attheir own home.; good nay and no iana.ilnir.Addre.i STANDARD MANUFACTURING CO. lock 1)0No 107, South IramlnKbam. .Man., enclnie ntaiupWANTED Ladypreir! permanent place to goodworker. Apply DVtINO ANtl CLEANING OFFICK.JUthav. WlN'TED-Ktenoirrnpheri and ralliiraph opratore"THE AMERICAN H BITING MMIINK io. 237Broadway. N. Y.WANTED Silk weaveri and irlrla to learnJOHN N. STEARNS A CO., 213 Knit 42d It.gomtic grrrnnliJ IVantfrt.A01RL OR WOMAN' for general homework In go tolarRockaway, Call after 3 I'. M., .150 1 ant 17th it.CtOOKS. chambermaldi. laundre.iei, waitrei.ei. alTd' nurielof alluatlonalitlei 217 ai n.. near 2.M It.C MJAVBlTRMAlDCcookirwaltrei.e.: rTnt-claii ret".erencei. Mra. HotVAHTII, 3S8 Mb nv.R ESI'IXTABLK GIRLS can find Brit clan ituatlonlat 309 halt 41'tb it.; can be accommodated withboard wbtle watting-.t'nnteil 2lnlfs 3Hfri:uuc, cATIECE COMPOSITOR WANTED.- Rood. Itendrworkman can nnd itendy wurk on irood leadedmatter by addrenlne D. A C. box 11. lf,7 4th hvBLANKBOOK FINISHER. Vil per week. aiilThaTrlK)und forwarder. 2r4 Canal it.C" YLINDhlt"' I'RESSMaT Must" he eawrienrei indIhnt clan In eeryreipect; liberal Haitei and 8 leu lyemployment to rljrtit man; reference.8TI1PC1 1.1MIEH. box 1FO, Nnn oflice.CYLINDER I-Rl.hS FEEDER wanted nt atand 39North Moore at.Ct ASTERS for jiletnre. frame work.F- II- I'URIIV MFI1 CO. (LTD ). 4(1 West 13th It.iMREMAN A fireman wanti apnilllon: ieenyenrsIn la.t place; baa g-ood rclerence AdilrenWILLIAM O'REILLY, SliMadlinn It.GOOD IIORSnHOF.lVwanted.AI.fc.. ltos. Jamaica ar Bait New York.HORSRSHorit. Wanted, a rlrit clan n rem an torcountry plaie. ood wapei and Iteailv emtltmenl to right party. Inquire nf A. M tRTIN, AtlanticHlgblandl. N..I. Take l.uiig Branch wanted. Apply to JAMES MicT.AMJdaitlnga on-IiudNOii.JOB COUroMTORS wanted. FLES 1 RIDuE FRIN1VlNOCO,r.tha1and 10th It.MONUMENTAL CUTTER. Granite work: HeadyT! good wagci. 3011 Waiblngtnn it.. Brook lyiuPRINTER WANTED All around man." Add re. ilaPIng wagei. Foionlce Box 207, I'eekikill, K. Y.SHOEMAKERS. Cutters wanted on boyi ancfyoutbi'ahoia 'BRENNAN AJVIIITE. C.2 Clmon ar.. Brookljn.WANTED Machlnlit on electrlcil work:lnmt mi'dentand winding, making commalatori Acnone but an experleuted baud need anplvritlhSlEiVlQ White itUTANTED Some good, .mart all round merhnnlrsand eteanilltteri. Call only between 10 and 12 A.M.Saturday, Aug-. II. COI.I MB1A FUH DI.RCOMFAN V.Blewart Building, 280 Broadway.WANTED lloriesboer, one that can fit and drive;steady Job.JOHN FLAHERTY, White rialni. N. Y.WANTED Colored Janttor; one that underiLindsrunning an euglue. Apply toCIIA- II. GRAHAM. (Ill At. D.WANTED A flnt'Clais bnrieiliner who p-m driveaud fit bone shots. UJ and 14 Grand st , Hoboken. N JWANTED good pressors on gentlemen's" gannentiT. Apply Lord's Djrllig and Cleaning Oftlce, 1118th av,ItlANTEU Blackamith llonnnanDANIEL WARD. 814 8d ar.. Brooklyn.WANTED A burselborr Ilreinnn. Call early at COfKNOR'S atore. Gran I and Curleari sts.WANTED Temperate enJllu er wbiTli willing totesome other work. UN Park row.WANTED A carriage painter wliu carTstrlpe an4llnlili 7IK litai,, ror. 41st it.WAMED Two lilai-kamlih s lielpursTn wheelwrightshop. l"f, ( hristoplier t,WANTED Shoe cutter on lurncacLs; steady work621Gates ar,W ANTED-Metal" roofers. Apply btfo'ra 8T. m"7:4ST Eat20thll. ""l,i ?ttirfUaroti5.A A. A A Tha Siinihlne rulillitilngroirrany of. l'lilladelphla and Hurt ilu (eital, limed n. r 4ytari). wiihen to arrange with .m a the )innik- man olsome experience and gcol ga In ral l,ll.Ill-ea push the sales if their iibllciilii,ni and "iigraungi lu tarloua Males. HlglieM leferi-nco in .1bund ri-iulred To the iroper purlyllie poaitiuii willpay about SI, r.OJ a yeir anil prom pennanriil; buttlilindrertlieiuint currlia with It nb.olutely noullerV..'.,l!,.li"l",'0 nr lry Addn-ll hUNiilllNEinillLlhlllMi COMPANY, riillidelpbla. l'a.A1'RI7E FOR AGENTS TO WORK OV.-A liiiok g Ing., '"-pooreaions against Prcldcut llarrlion leaiini;the While House; eicry Republican club wlllbut tlieni,I rice 10 rents, rend 10 ceuu for book and particular!to Uiejiubllsheri. C.A. HOLT A CO lirnnkljll, N. YAGENTS, N01V IK YOI'RTIME.-A book gnlng 10001., J.'.',0"' "Kl1"" I'resldent llarruoii inning ibnWhite Hou.e, pnte 1(1 cents. Full partlcul irs and copyof book sent ou receipt of 10 centi by publlihers.c, A. HOLT A CO , Brooklj ii. N Y,AGENTS lo handle lO.oooriaions against I'rendentHarrlionleatlng the While Hou.e, price lllrenl.,w ill sell at clubi and to club members; .old by nil dealers throughout the United htatea. NEW10RKNEH3CO.. wholeialeagcnli. 20 Heckinan it., St. Y,AGENTS HUrTMKIl with 1IIO00 Teaioua agaln.tI'resldent llarrlion leaving the Millo House, by theNew York New a Co., 20 Beekman it.. New York: American Newi Co, Chambers st , New lurk, and orerywholesale newsdealer In the I nlied Siuiea.AIJENTiTttTNTEirTnTs clt an.iTlate; assessmentImiirance, lowest cost of all.I'llOMDENT All) SOCII.TV. 4.r. Broadway. New York.AGhNTS .1 to 7 dalli; esperleiiio unnccessari;exrlusive terrltury.PUTNAM A CO., I'erfumiri. Weit Winattil. Conn.A GKNTH Campaign buttons and badges; illustratedcircular and sample, (J, V. MYERS A CO.. BB Nassau St.A DROP DEAll7-l& new sulll, $4; t:o lulls. Id,. lao suits. 1M. 209 Flalbushar.. Brookljn.1IVYEK WANTED.II. O'NEILL O: CO.Want a, rat-tlaaa asaa aa buyer lor theirLadle' and Clilldrcu's Hot TJepartmenfion but tboaa Ihoroarblr axaerlenced labuytas for tba ratatl traila need, apply,lb av., SOtlt to lt at.IG IIARGAINS.-Serond hand S20 stilts. $',; ISO soils,m; ttu suits. m. 2QD Flatbushai,. Brookljn.GENTLEMEN IT ion wls'l-lu rani exlra jour leisure dav or opening hours lulutit. j lit, taut oci u pat ion, no c in tasting, tall at onceltl 10. 3(1 East 14Uist1' Y YOUARE HEthlMi LMI'LIIMII.NT or wish Iomake a change, call ut the old-eslablllhed and reliable New York Agency; posltious of un clan quicklyprocured; new ordsri every mall, lufuruiatloii free.Mo. 7 Ml Broadway, corner Bib at.IF YOU ARE OUT OF EMPLOYMENT call at the oldMetropolitan Aceuey. Order! every day for allkladjst ktlp, -7 Broadway, Biogkla, Dial (irry. . IftuM gTOwlcjs fflt)rtcItottC0Ug,ONE WAT TO 8JIVK. T1MKWITHOUT ADDITIONALTOtT WAY LKAVR Y0UHADVtltTINKMENTAMKRICAN niSTIUCT StRSRENOKROflloe, It in our lut nf au veriulnir Aenclet roudo not fln.I one contenieiit.MI.N anted on iratTFn tvifjnier to iCnntlon nnrt Llrerpool to workfor free pttmiite. 0-4 cireenMeh nt.STHONO BOY to work lnflihnhil ojnior market; onewlm can open ojttcrt &nd cUini nnd clian tliti.No. 3.077 Utl nv.WA.NIIjD Hf ilftfije" wholesale clothlnc home, airood itock ilerk and trlecter; inmUlie exerlenrfiit irood referencei required. 307 Uleecker (..h30 to 4i:30 A, ILV ANTlfD-.KrjcriilU for the United Htatet Marinev Uorpf. AppiT at tiilt-i. states Marine Hecrultinffonice. 13 and lb State St., New York..situation? Wanted rfemalw.6c. iPer Line.A GERMAN WOMAN TO DO WAS1MN0 and c'atnlnr.00L) Kant 24 th t tf ond ilor, front.AYOUNO I. A I).' ilflr- in ftlve rdntin I'inn-.-tlM'antittl. nt , lut floor, roem 1.CtlMri:TI.VMUfAN luffomit liy tha'ilay'to waiihand Iron, or do tiouivclrantnir: reference. ArtdreaiMAinin.. m i.at4UdRt.IaMKT-CI.ARS IiArNlVl'.USslodofawlly waslilnj; athome nr by ilnj , seven years' ilty reference. 1.3152ilt, third UlRht.I.HRBT.ri7ASS I.AUNMRnSslfi'iTo waTtilnirliomr: 7.V.adoz.tif Kood city reft-rence. 333 Writ 3Utti nt.,rear.C'lURMAN r.nY"(?fl) wlnlirn plare an hoiicfVeppfr.' .Mim TIU.'O. 101 Fnrnjtti at. room I.(U8P.wnitK Tidy (leriiiNiirnokwash. iron, umJ 1 fml huutiewnrk; rcftrenrfs, ctty or ruuntr. 45l.aRt 3 1st ii.. tretwpt'ii 2d and 3d nxs . ibMiiPiitjPOSITION "Wanted b"a u.iiiu'Tadyns laaliter; hotelI referred. Aildrf i, S HJl uth av.Rr.SriH'TAIlI.K KNiIl.IKII UoMKN to vn nul hy ttieday wanhfiitrand trnninf; ninierntfinii alt kinds ufhmiiei leantt g, n f creno a. 225 Hist GiMh tt.RI.'srErTAllI.i: WOMAN toao nurvakhlnc.Troirini!and hnuserlennlnir nr take watdiintr home; tieitrereretiieii 2'J3 Kail 73d it,,ine (IlKlit. back.STUONO. neat, obligini; Sttm1I!i plutei-: together orep.irately, would tnk tha run In larjre family if required, timr ) ears' referenco ttmn lam lady, ono willarrept $10 ner month. TJiase rail at HO West 2 lit nt,UJ ANTED Situation by a ynunir !aly (widow) aswrklntr hoonekeeper nr .srnmnanion to Invalidla ilj': li cannMe, wlllliifr. and nMitfni;; best ot references Addreta 11 i, ha IKtl. Sun office.WANTKI7 fiy an intelligent and experlenrM ladyclerical work; best of reference. AddressM. s . luo East 2Hth at.YOfNO, RRFINUIl LADY" olI(1 like to Ue pianolessons at home.Mra bCHUIaZ, 228 Eaatflth at, baemet.UuationVantat iUtlf.r6c. Per Line.w nouns to thh unf,ACTIVK7 UKMABLK" MA.N. atred 30."wouM like to obtain salaried position of responsibility; outdoorwurk tref erred, aa collector, timekeeper, oerseer, Ac.;bestreferencea. H. A. W 43 East 12th st.ACTIVE, reliable man. aired 3'.. would like to obtaina salaried position of responsibility, outdoor norkpreferred, as rollecior or timekeeper; bond furnlihed.Addrem W .T. HTRK. 7 Manbnitan av. Hronkin.AYOUNO MAN of good disposition wants position atanytbinff. AdJressII. .1. rAHNRJ-fil Clinton tt . N. YBARTENDER Ynunr, ultiKle Irishman nantseltuatlon; understands his hiiMuesft, reforcnoa koOi).HAltTUMiblt, Imjx 10ti, Son oftlce.BOY. Orrninn American boy Ml".) withes to learn a(rood tr.ide. II. TlMM. 2C3 I asMOltt st;COMPOSITOK Jobber, all arouiij hand. Familiarwith stone nti 1 tataloguu v, ork. Address JUBllhlt,box 17i. .sun oflice.ENGINEER Mcensed. do his own firlntr; understandsrare puiniis and engines; c in di steam and uas illttUit; beat reference.ttlt.MAM I.ENSIIAW. 228 West 32dt.ISOIN'EER l'ractlal mechnntc; undemtnnda elea jtors ptiuips, pipe tlttinii: can make all rrpitrs;eijfht years' reference from Inst placp. AddressMUIU.AY, LMW East IiOth St.M.I.EEIt dihlrca ngaitlon; married, without littlerbttdreii; liotrl. flat house, or factory; rlty orlouutry, machinist; Una-class licence, reference.b . 2JO Fast 10' Uti st.EM.T.KKK-riri.t dans. hlirheMt'refcrenceTand allmcefsary tools, wants a positionliOLC.HI'RTY. 202Fat 77th stLS'dlNhER, with references desire poiltlrn; modXierateKslary. Address I.NOINEEIt, D K, 1211 8th st.JOB rOMPOMTO.. wishes stcHdv position; cataloKttewor preferred. Ad'lreasrOMPOMTOR, 21 East llthst.PROOF READER wUhes a situation.C, T. V,7I Washington p1ce.roiWOMAN of2... cmploed at preietit as clerk, for1 ten years in name pltce. wouM like to innkts txchange for the better. Addrens A. H. C 233 Grand st.gtlttt 55oarrIat Side.BROOMr, FT.. r.TR. Mccly lurnlshed larga ndimallritnnu, w it It board; also table board.OLl I. It .T."4 Cool, pleiutnt.alry furnished room.for .entleniaii; t1at, houso, nit rnnrentenres;a lew block from Krooklm briilir, Fulton, Catljariue,.iii'l il.ianisburk'li ft-rrUr; moderate price; rfn firstbell, Janitor, first flour.4fll A 102 -rhirtvthree jenra etablishM, mechnntc' tionrJInir homo for respectable lurkingUdl'Kanl (,'eiili, I u..ryU to K weekly.lrVTll M., 31 i:ST Pleas in t double andTlnnleJvroom-, eory otietilenc.; good boarJ, tablebarleri, t mis moderate.1 TH sT, 214 I-Asf, Double and Mnifle rooms;1 vents or married couplt , T, up, with board.QJTII ST, 147. Nicely furnished large and smalleU rimmi; nil ront n,-ncs( price S."KOriTsr, IHiaT.AhT Hirtcrata"tabl. double andiiu stnirle rooms; piano, etry conrenlence; 94,f 4 .'A, mil $5IV cut Nlde.I Til st. 212 WEST. Large and small rooms, withJ'ljjrood board, at summer rates, tnuitients acconiiimdated.(Wril .sT.t EAST, Larire and small rooms, allmJ tomeiiUnceii, t xcellent labte b ard; references.onii .st, 3.M IT Cool, airy rooms. Inclu llnicOw in nt parlor, excellent table; comfortable home;refined surround. iiksOD ST. 34 E--T. Well furnished back parlort-y and hall ronii), hot and cold water; superiorbnaidJOD sr 413 Wl nt -Nicelj rnrnUbed rooms, withJM or ithotit board, gentlemen onlyiptii sT .ii.' WIST. Large and small furnishedejt) rooms it h bo ml. tabic boarders.iI st, 2.VJ EsT Large arnl email furnishedjU ri-orif witbboitrd; tab!nloarderi: gsntleinenonly,iQTII sT. J02 W1T- I .irgf iry rooms, tiandsome'y00 turnWIied, aio ball room, excellent table; kooJatt mltuu'e,rlrrt Jonvil ilvooWaiunlMtVT nil." -I--irire and small furnished rnoini,Hlih i r wlltiinit llr. ci.i.i Inuilly table; Kotilhern1 1 nklnc ir-iii',nis''commodated,iiLWiuanuyeuieiH;ru ir fi rii and bridk-eIIUITI fl ri-rner nf Schermerhnrn I.aree andII small tin --Ijr furnished rooms, with board; tableliu-irittrr., reftrince.LIVIM.nN ST. lil.1 Nicely furnlihed rooms.Ilirhtnndairt lim-l. parlor, doctor or dentist, exiiiluil miMinildc.JIIVi;nTUN T. 11. 'PIo.lle fiallatin place, onej Mui-I. Irom I iilloii. IjiiKe and small rooius, board;tiilili-i;rn cut.ttoarfl IVnntnl.GISTI.I'MAN anls table board not more than tlflei n niinutis aiktroiii Irinltj-I'liuich, on iiroadyay, jiiii.t be itiuilerato rule. AdilressA., boa HID, Sun office.urulgUttt jycomt. ti pittimtttis So ctKaat Hlaa.CA'. IIAIIIM' ST., HI. Mrs furnished room to letI'ON.MU.I.r.Jll.ONT IIOIJU llh tan single lii-d, ami a smallroom, b a Herman faiuilj'. Call at 1U1 I.jat llttist.. toiner tllniv.IJllllTIISTASr l.ADV n'ANTKII to share furnished1 rnoiii; invileeurkilelKii. laundry, and balh, tentJ.V.'.Uu week, rilmtd parly waulid unl), 7'L'uarU.street,Ol' A V n'-'-l. near HHIl It Ne'Tly furnished Inrnetit and am ill pi'mi; all conenli-uc.i; siiinim r ralesll A I'-"-' -'"lean, handsomely rnriilshed room;e ill set, k'ns, b4tll, second Iloor; $ Meekly, treutlelliau. M'HAIrKIC1eTH T anil Meeljr furnished front pnrlor: lir.'e and .mull rooms, all loiiiiiikiuci,wlWibouriiIOllT 1'IOKAST. Ilalulsoniely furnished doubloOand i.ii.le rooms, all coiiu-uiemts; tenus inoderate.1 AIM Kl". ill llandsimirly furnished larire andM.H small rnoliu, all collM-liii-lic.l; telluilnodrratf."fOTII M -2 KAVr-Hi-slrabti-T llnely fiirnihedIO rooms in a wr It located bouse; eur,v rum en ir uce,"lOI111"' '-- l'sT.- IliiiiUiiiueljr furni.hPd roomsJ v en suite, pnale Imtu ulsn eluirli- roou a.OftrilMiHIilAsf-Uriw squire, well fiTrni.lieda,J room., all couemcnies, private laiullj , termserj modi-rale.0"TTTKr.."3bj KAbT.-l'urnlsbed front rooms forOl liuht bousekeeulnt; permanent or tiansleut; nearI, station; reaionable.TSTil ST., !U, M-.AK3n AV -ruriiTibed roomi,l.bOIO up; board Irom f Bto frt per a es,(OTIIT!,l' i: VST.-Mcely furnlihed room, forle? married couple or ladles; board optionalrVJH ST Il.Ti Mcely furillsbrd larire ball room7aTlJeJ coneni,ncri, I'rnalo liuu.c, early brtaklait Ifdu.lre.l.KfCTII ST, HI' IIAf-T -llandmniely lurnisbel liarorUU iiuur, suiiablefor pbj.ii.lau or deullst, aliuoiberrooms, all com ententes.QT1I ftT fiM;, VeT Neuly luruislicd rnouison rrstami seioid Moors, b-itb uas, and all couvenlsnces.OfJTII HT.. ail" KAHT -Handsome Tuniiibed"TaroOOand imall rooms, couple or yentl.m,n; good board.mTIl ST. 138 KAHT.-Klusly furnished rooms,lira, aeI imsil, to itUot partlM; iplmilld loo..Ueimiiul (jirfimitfitH geiw & fllpartmcBtn Sa get" TTcat HUa.OKK WAT TO SAVBTIMJRWITHOUT AIMlITIONAt.CMT,TOIJ MAY I.KAVR VOUItAllVJBHTIMUMK.NTat anAMERICAN IIIHTRIRT MKMHr.NOr.ROltlce, if in eur list ot Adveriulnir ARcncleiyoado not rind one convenient,BllOMMi: HT r.polwell TcntiratTd licht rooms,njcel) rurtil.hed, bith. irai, Ac; reasonable.DOMIMt'K HT, A-Olcriy7urnlsbedfrnntpaflorandcnnneitinir room; folding bed; Ktntleuien; aliorooms lor lilit houiekcaplnif.4 Til HI., nil T.M "Waihlnnton i(iuare!-Mcalyfintil. lied rooms for houieVeeplngor Ktntlemeu; rent.'&tiup.IOTII HT,, :wn AvnsT. oppoille parT-NTcer iarife- rnoinsr3, 3,vjeek. .SKAT.SPSHIOTII Rt7. to WKSTi near nth av.-OneTarte andimall room lu reHned bouie; referencei.."tTII ST., 1M WKstT IJirae cool fonmi, nicely furfJ nlibod; bnln; extra cloieli; central location.0.)1' HT , 477 I kt s"lcinuarr roomys, ltirht house..kefpliik'nr Rent i, 81. M up, hot, cold aterOTlTsT, 441 Wlhr.-ceTv TurnTslieirrront hallJ room; top Moor; prlvato home, only $2 per week.ORIlTsT.. 128 l.s.T.-l'arloran,f liedroomr lianifJ somely furnished; also small room; gentlemenor ladtr,0;TII ST.. 22Sv8T.-1Tar7"l room, with erei-jr-roivOO reminre; alio ball room; transiently tlf desired;;respectable only,0'7TII ST, 225 wrsT.-Iarge and small nicely furJ 9 nlshed rooms, Improvements, men and wltesorgintleincii.J7TII ST,5n wr.ST.-I.arca and small furnlshsdO I rooms, Htth or itbout board; transients accoiumndated, UTirsT 2:17 W I.HT.-i.arire "aniT imall rurriianadOO rooms; Houlhrrnrrs, Weiteruen, aud SouthAmericans iiccomui (Intnl.JOTII ST., 2,'W) nr.HT.-l.arge furnished room., vilth9JO or without board, southerners and esterntriaccommodated,Cril ST, 20d WKST.-I.arge. elegantly furnishedOO rooms: Southerners and Westerners transientlyaccommodated.urnishfi. goomsJ 5to t rooWiju.Cn.STOnn ST.. r.7 Large and small furnished rooms,hear bridge entrance.JI.M l'l.ACK, IP. rioor for business, furnished or unJ tuTnlslHd. also large room, board; table boarders.Gnl.n ST.. 124, aouthwest corner of Wllloughby.Two desirable, large furnished rooms; three windowseacb: private bouse; bath.IIKUKIMKIt ST.. )I7H. Kings rounty U 1'tica itaJ 1 tlon Two lurnlihcd rooms, cook stove andaterf2 2r..LlMNOSTflN ST.. 1BH Large, nicely fornlshedrooms: all lmproemants, gentlemen ouly; tenminutes to bridge.MU.NTAUl'l. ST7, R0"-dTandsomely' furnished hallrooms: 53 v. etkly: gentlemen ouly.SUIIKUMEIi'lloitN ST.. SUH.-ihlrd lloor suite, all Improvements; second floor alcove, finely furnished;breakfast If desired.SCIIKRmLiiiIOrS ST.. Sfifl'-LargeTanuT small rooms,furntahed, with or vilihout board: back parlor;moderate pricesS CI I K It M li It II ( i Itsl.TT.lttrC-'lrge'Bniriniall neatlylurnlshed. airy rooms, Improvements; references.eU'tjs nml apnrtmfnt Co ct.ATTENTION' To let. new and Improved decoratedaud papered apartments, all light and airy rooms:bard nood mantels, mirrors, and chandeliers; rentsfrom JH to 1 11. lniulrot''lH Fast 14th s'BANK ST., All Pleasant 3 and rooms; privateneighborhoodI.IIODKICII A WOODCOCK, 20 8th av.1M.ATS AND ArAHr.MKKTS. unturnuncd and tur. nl.heil, in all parts of the cityKILMJM lIHOTIItlls, H'Jll llroadway. cor 12tb St.ONK MONTH IRhK. Apartments; improvements;new homes In J.1tli st ; s. 14. U3S 14tli st.T'lIK AI.CA7.Alt. 120 and 122 East ROth St. FineX apartments of eight room, arid bath to let, rlreproofbuilding, elevator aud steam heat; rents. e".ri,7TII AV..,. HBth st.-3i). 7 rooms, bath, steamheat, private halls, main drive.OrY"! ST.. 311) AM) .112 KAST.-Apartments. tbreaO or four rooms, all improvements; flltofO.1717TII ST.. 334 IHST. $13: three rooms and bathf I room: owner sLpnlle. hot water, ateam heat, allImprovements, smalt families.QQTII ST.. 217 EAhT.Hve large new light room!. allO. improvements, half a block from L station, rents.17to tio.eflntji muI cimrtmcnts; rooltlij.BlUPOi: ST.. 381, Lower part bouse, furnished ormifurnibhed, third lloor, gentlemen ur light housekeeping; private bouse.)tvtiliug g.ouoc3 Sa ,(t.DESlllAHI.l'. lloi'HEH, unfurnished and furnished.In all parts or the city.yoLSUM 1IKUTIIKKS. 820 llroadway. cor. 12thi:.Co rtt for J;tjjintSjs gurpiw.9.i.Aicr.r. ami hji a iiir7,ot"rir wiriiMoiiT'.riiici:r. siitisTtAM power,iijflvt, ei.iivatoki i.ow itr.NT, at aoaI'KAIll. ST.. ABOVH ItRIIIGE, AND ATHO WALK lilt HT.NHAK IIKIIAIMt AT.DI.SIRAllI.r, STORES, lofts, and offices to lotluUIparts or the city.luLMiM IIHOrilERSJtsn Broadwaj-. tor. 12thst.STOI1K. J.1-.7 21) A v. suitable for cigar, delicatessen,shoe, or groicrj business, elegant plate-glas. front;rtuUJr,. II. (I HAUA, 1.14.", 2d av.'anttil Sox $u.sint$!S purposes.WANTED To pnrchase or lease faclory buildingbelow fiuth st Send full particulars toS. I). DITCHhTT. 2 New hambers It.glrat tftatt nt Ruction.SSes"l weIlsTauctioneer.OmiAT AUCTION HALEON Till! OltOUNDAT J! O'CLOCK V. it.,SATURDAY IIOLII1AY, AUO. .20O C'HOBCK I.OIS,teijijt a portiim of thn well-knownMcEVOY ESTATE,beautifully situated rait ofWOODLAWNSTATION.irAICI.KIt It, K, IlAIMl) TRANSIT.Ihese Intf an well Ineated In a pnpiilir and rapMlyBTovsin neiitliltorhito 1, ctrretH ami aienuea Kraded,lit ar tr', fCli'M.I. t'liiirriii'K, HiidiO'f) cdttages, androiireniotit t rapll transit station. Tlitrtythreti mlnnt i-i Irnni 4-'l t, lirf bytunnttily ticket seven andtwir.MiirU i eni. p. r mli1. Tho lots re ready ror immediate .lui.iluic. and onr a splendid opportunity forpfup'o nf inni'f rjit :uejins to own a home site TitleKuaraiiteed frit of iiii tu purrhaers. J"asy terms.r-A l,i; I1 I I i:, It A IN OU H II INK,I'nder nr lininciise tent, LSubittantlal lunch servedl' fur" Hit1 sale f-pt train nn day or sale will leave(rand Cintnil Depot at 1 :.U V M. Btopplnif at 121th Uand .Mutt lla.ih, ndurnln imiu'dUttly after sale.MMI I-OK MAI'r.and rrf pause tu JA.MI.s K WKLLU, Auctioneer, 60Mlirrt) !.Heal (tivTioxiit.Dl sillAllI.i: HI II.lil.Mi SITES- InTaTKolaway!K l mar ocean and bay, rontenient to schools,i lurches, and railroads; accessible to tbe clt , Just thepi tee for private residences; ou easy terms; call andeo them. FItA.SKLIN C. Sohto.n, owner.1VIK hAl.E.. Will build at I.lmsford. on NorthernItallroad, directly opposite nation, on. hou'.- andi ii n minutes from Hector ft by !." road rnnntci )niiominntatlon 7.h.1 per inonthi. attraitlre s-tcn-iioiucdtairFson plots f,0 by 2CX). and sell same with plot torf J f,isi. ITiilOilowu and bainnie on ten )ear Installmentli'nii, no monthly pnwunni exreeitin;r ;j,',, frre coin,mutation for one jear. Apply oraddren J, c, I.. IIAJIJLIOIs Klmiiord, N V,Siml Cjstnte for ,Salr Citii.Jir.MKAHI.l-. LUTS atBRVN MAWR HEIGHTSForty-five inlnuh from i!3i. St.. vlh fl(ie1 andNorttierii Itailtoad, f-."i rasuj tO nionnd) Iheliomr set kr and imrstor will nnd tli"- lots thchtsipebt and best lts uu before tht inb icl'Ul.l,l.- A ni. !.- t oriundt st.JBral Cctatr or nt roohlyiuOSLV $r.00 down, balniire In inonthl) payments;splendid three story brick house, jive of them,nrraned for family r n eai h Moor, lUe on one (lourand rrnt thu otber tv,o tu'pay (or the houve; price3.JVnj oil at '.3i7 I 'a r I tlo st , ilrnoklm and exAiitlne this i hance hro the Janitor, -ar Hochciterav eleatel stationox nlc or to grt groohljju.Sl'LtNDID LOCATION for lumber yard torrent; water front; vrowInK part of Brookljn; 20 minutesfrom llattery; favorable terms te right man.II, UUL'UIITtl.N, HI llroadway, New YoMt.ti Cj-tnu efor j?nU lEouutrij,HL'DMIN lllVKIt; SU'KIKICII.-Kine resldenceTflacrci; cost hj.(mki, i,-ss than half cost; no reakouablu oiler rnlused; ten subituntlal nutbuildlnirs,lie. ides dwelling', lweut rooms, lnak'liillielit lew;abundantelrult, MU:i.l.MUi,lIT. New llambur.u.NI'Alf KlAMIOIili.-Ncat toarre home; IsrsImuse, burn, benuery, much f roll, 'Chance." WlLust IIHithsl.VwtdujjifrCo. gwprrni ora" QUEEN ANNK TOR 8AJ.E C11KaV-A11 lmXV proTemsuts; ITllllamibrldfa, tt. Y,; 10 mlnutuU ou Woodlawa depot, for particular, addrsuv j Xa.WlLeQK.JWJ'aMimctty.A JERt. JOHNSON, JIVS r'Le.ONm PROTECTED BY DECISIONryJJra OF SUPREME COURT,, I J CON'T IMITATE FLAa.','l,QjHURRY UPir YOU WIN! TO nuvANY OK THESE LOVELY LOTS OS , ;THE NEW ADDITION ATOpposite the heart ot New York City and THUrrtow.N ok ai.Ii HUHcniiA.s l'RorKUTii.a.The new addition Immediately Adjoins the tractwhere last year t soil l.'JlM lots In delighted purrhdPers and where scores of honei have been built orare building-. It Is directly on the route of tho """STEW ELECTRIC LINENOW riLINO CONSTitUCTBD.Corona ts two miles this tide of FlmblnR and alreadf 'Uhas tba belt train service ot any place on lane Mliland. ffilotr rnoM ioo a rincR cp. SrAYADLK IN WBI.KI.Y INSTALLMENTS 07 (1AND LTWARI). SFREE PASSES. FREE STAGES. jJERn. JOHNSON'. Jr. o I.iberly it, Kew TorH,and 189 and 101 Montague st.. HrooVlyn. 'WOwn a Seaside Home. 1iDo not be perplexed each veaton to know where t 'summer, but bnyasmall cot tn ire and enjoy your Ufa,I scape the hrat and be happy. One paid for th Strouble IsendeLLAWRENCE BEACH :Invites yon. Krery cottane Is now occupied. Tkthotel Is properou. The Incaltty is beautifuL Thsurf and still water bathing, carriage ridtnir, boattnfcand flshtUK unsurpaed. .letter than tt patronUedby desirable people and Ita neighborhood la excellent, special inducements to those who build at one a.Tile the train any hour at I-ong Island City or Flatbush avenue depot, ft rook 1) n, and spend a few honri oratt night at the Lawrence lUach Hotel. You will de- "clde that our claims are not exnegerated. Address formap (no free pasiei),BK.N'J. W. UITCnCOCIC14 Chambers St.. New Torfc.Homes for the PeopleATLAUREL HILLNearest Lots to N'ew York city. Only S centi car farLots $300; Payable $10 Monthly.Cross 34th at. ferry and take the electric road at thtferry in Ionir Island fit) ; in tt-n minutes )u ran be on,this prnpertv at our otltce. Tell the conductor to stop i1the car at our door, f-areonl) & cents week dajs andlooeittson Sunday.Don t go away off tn buy, but tny right here, whan jIncrease III be rapid Andres, ror fri e map.MII.UMUN hlN(JM. Manager.J.aurcl Hill, Long IslandHomes in FlushingBOWNE PARK.CHOICE LOTS $200, UPWARD.rAYAIII.K SIO NIOXTlir.Y.Don't go miles away where car fare and lottt tlmt twill use up your earn. tigs, but inist In this beautiful' "illago with XU.fHKi iopulatlnn, churches, schools,stor water stinpU, aeuLrage, gas, electrfo lights,electric rur and rtram .an. U depot, beautiful "tree and shrubbery, tvpletidld In win,, maeiidamlredslrets and awnues; everything to creato cnmf.irt andlucre ised value; T,0 trains daily, morn to midnight;chean commutation.Address for map and farther particular, with freepasses tn sen the proper! y.BKXJ. W. IIITCIICOClC.UChatmliera it.. N. Y.AT LAWHL.-si'L IlKtcflNew stores, a iltable for 'druggist, grocer, and confectioner, no stores In tbaI Uce, grand t hance: rent imrninal fur ttslauce ;f ssaon- HAlrKULVkITl,lt, 171rmdHay. vAT LAUli:.NCI llKAril. Hani1otnit 1iouk24rooms, Just completed, rent iiouilnal fur balancaOf sea-.ui WALTl'lt 1.. .SW1T.LU. 171 Hmadway.1?OH SALi; luis u f outer a , i.,rki:if', oppoltl'liHl Otllce, near the liuuletard, lortier pmnertysl,bOt. 0M;p liriMudnst, Jiruokln.LOIIKALK on easy tnrtu, cnttages at ist Itrooklyn, iX Ardmore, itonsonhursL For ptrUculara apply ta ,C. roomaCHt, jri llruml at.. New tnW.HOLHHo7kTl0N(; INLAND pNmlid building lot!among the pities, $7."0 nrh. $'J doun and monthJ)jnd fonlrcular, J .s. l.I.W Is. J.'l I'atkrow.NdHTUT'OKT. L. T-Splendll bui ding lots. ja.riOj '5a! monthly; tl-hmg, Kiilitur. lutthmg eend forclrciilir. .1 h Ll,W rfom 2(1.O" ZONK I'AKK -Sp'endi-1 dm King one b'ock froraHtatlou; all liuproM'inents, i .iy trrins, may tak,r,(Xi down, b.lanro month) A Y to It. , 11ITCU-COCK, 14ihaiiibersst, Jit J vio K d uij vgJral tfj&tntc efor (Sale 3lcu- Mmtfr jROSELLE LOTST JSlOil I'l. 4 Anil lt fsNSiAl.LMKNTfl. jdsH14 miles from New rW, coiiiniuta'lon 1 cents on JtlHlehlgh allev or i entrai I .t.lrond uf Now Jerser, kif1'reneiit popiiiatliiii -i.ikhi i hiirt'iiito n liMiin, Ac. ftslTin: ViNivr -i in ic ii .m:.k new 'iBiuhk, ri:i: pe.i -, m a.-j, a-c.TUT 1 ItHIM IE I IC I TliOltN-i CO. 'MM Hro.t'lHay, New York. HONLY $100 CASH; 1HaUnref'd per month, which Includes Intercut. tw Mhsndsriinit h rouin liuiieeK on hist street at llasbrouek tMlleliriitf, bath riim'tre, stationary rango and tubs, EsHceiiiriittd cilUr, bv-tvvi plot nilli e. on property. tMl. M ANiun, ecretarA HVIW ' iTTAdi:. ?,7ial, 1(V) ash. balance tl5 Sli MM-niui) bit M'1K within two minutes' walk nf jld pot, is n.iIfK fruui tit), UtJLroTT, tJ New Head it. HI),I,NII rAKK.-riiolco tots on $10 monthly" Hpa) menu no fr e passtH, cili at If t'hambera st. Hand gn with nur'ule-maii. fne or i-xpensv, lie at oar hVoltlce at I-' 30 noun and our uavni wjlj tula jouto tht HWATI'H IHONT. filll'.r.WSIILIHV HIVER, at Ra flHank, foraale or exchange fMAlVTIS. 123 West 38th atjfox JJalt or ffo gget (CoutttrH, 9BAHiiAlNtitn ItocLMml couutjr farm. and r.tliUiioaH -SBMnasuuiu for list. ffmI. 11, 1 Knl'I.NAKSI'., flprlng Vsltsf, N, 1. 'Hgojst nnil fouu 4 M1()ST Tumlay A M . I.ttwtfn Telisllr. K, J., and HHew York, rla .Norllirrn road, a t .tlo Hirln. Hbails'.. I'lnilsr will trarileil by KariUKuin.atTl BMUroaOraj, routu 3d. !JMCTKaVmi UK'nTurilN". llor.r. wio"ianTTirn7si7 SCJ o. ot wskod ,34ii, mrrcliunill.r, anil bay msrs, Skmmwhll. star on forehead, knuckled in both liiudlegs. Hcar on rls-ht blnj feii,,rt: liberal re Kurd -BMMIlAUhH, on tier. 4 IU lUlt 75d It. JHSPrnunwl 3toilce,9. JMAllAUr BOY, 4 months old, would "uii i"iomt ai ' Hwho would f lv, it mother's care: will pej a inoatbi MIn advance on aocount of volor to tb.countr, A0 Hdress W, bos 134, Bun omca. BBM'ntthwTlfwrtnj, &t. 9WATCH KX. ( Jetvrlrj-, nn Jl weekly psp 4aHinenti, delltereil in first annenl IbaHLlt'llAMil. Ar II i;o, ;i 17 Jiroadwajr, IBBtf-xtrvmlmtfow. HO'-TAIli" kills t.edbuKs. roaches mil, lire rail,V inue, watirliu,. tuckro.riii . tiifal.lUiv KKtcr fJBMmiustors, 11U yesrs. oi'Imto'i jUie ISffJJ5ntinu .j..."" IDE. FDLLEB EXTBACTiTtHI:t1I without pain. EOaa' ,Mil, f 6 un. 1'atlcri. 74 Vatlek t, sac CinaUt. S..'?Tf. jWm-t-.a.T-.t. . Lj, jaj jr.. i ,-rjdMJBsm

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